Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Paul provides integrated strategies and plans supporting the GPS III Technical Director, Air Force Space and Missile System Center (SMC) Global Positioning System (GPS) Directorate/GPS III Branch (GPV3). He champions critical GPS III processes by providing upfront assessments, process improvement initiatives, execution and certification strategies, status reporting with tailored metrics, and readiness reviews. He integrates the efforts of the Government team, Aerospace, the Prime Contractor, SE&I, DCMA and others as required to ensure mission success and readiness for key program reviews and milestones. Paul has more than 37 years of experience providing acquisition, system development, integration, test, and operations support for Air Force, Navy, and Army Military programs. His expertise is in project management, acquisition management, systems engineering, integration, and test, initial operational
capability, and life-cycle support. He was the GPS III Deputy Program Manager from 2002-2004. He has
worked with the GPS Directorate/GPS Joint Program Office consistently since 2008 mainly focused on
GPS III. Paul established Lokahi with his business partner Mike Passafiume in 2010. He earned a BS in
Industrial and Systems Engineering from USC and an MBA from Wright State University, Dayton, OH.